We replace your payment terminal
At Axepta BNP Paribas, we are strongly committed to providing sustainable and reliable payment solutions that meet the most stringent quality requirements of today and tomorrow. Have you received a message from Axepta BNP Paribas informing you that your payment terminal needs to be replaced? Then you will find an answer to the most frequently asked questions about this replacement here.

Why is Axepta doing this migration?
By replacing your old terminal with a new device, we are able to continue to guarantee the best possible quality and the highest security in accordance with current market requirements. The many, improved functionalities of your new terminal will also offer more options for your customers and therefore create more profitable opportunities for your business.

How do I install my new payment terminal?
To make it easier for you, we have provided a video for each terminal model that guides you through the various installation steps. It really is child’s play!

Where can I find an overview of my transactions?
You will receive a daily overview of your transactions by e-mail. You can also view this overview at any time via our online portal myPortal. More information on how to use this portal can be found in this video.

Where can I order paper rolls for my new payment terminal?
Once the transaction has been completed, customers generally want to receive a proof of payment. You can easily order paper rolls for your payment terminal via Axepta BNP Paribas by box of 20 or 50 rolls.